Esoteric MG 10 vs Magnepan 1.7

Has anyone had a chance to listen to these two speakers and form any opinions about their sonic qualities as they relate to each other. There is a substantial price difference and what do you think is the best bang for the buck.
I had the 1.7's. I know a lot of people like them but I think they are very overrated. My advice would be that if you can't do a really thorough demo, don't even consider them.
Thanks for your response. I actually have auditioned both speakers but only for a short period of time. I have Audes Blues that are in my system and will be giving them to my son, which will free me up to try something different. I found a pair of used Esoteric MG 10's, which are now discontinued. I really like the Esoterics although they are a little brighter than the Audes which have a much different sound characteristic. I am looking for a sound that has more clarity and crispness to it which the Esoterics provide and the kind of transparency that the Magnepans have. Another speaker that I am interested in is the Merlin TSM's, but I have never heard them.

I am using a wyred 4 sound integrated amp which sound ok with the Audes Blues but there is some sparkle missing in the sound. The problem is I can't have everything I want in the sound I am looking for without spending more than I can afford.
Your 2nd response provides a lot more info to work with. Unfortunately, there's no easy way to go about this. For example, when you talk about sparkle in relation to you amp, its hard to focus on exactly what you mean. I kind of get what you are asking, but in reality we both don't think exactly the same way, and my idea as to what sparkle is, to yours, is probably different. And that's just the way it goes. It can't be helped. In my first post, I said how important it is for you to demo equipment. There's nothing wrong with getting advice on a forum like this, but in the end you must make the final decision as to what's right for you.

Keeping the above info in mind, here's what I thought of the 1.7's; they're not transparent. The reason for that is, while you don't have box type colorations as with most dynamic driver speakers, the ribbons themselves, are very colored. That's the main reason I urge you to demo them at length. I had them for a year. Also, don't let me talk you out of them. If you like them, don't hesitate to buy them just because I don't like them. (My reference speakers for comparison were Vandersteen Model 2's and Wilson Cubs. Amps I used were Ayre V5, VAC 30/30, ARC VT100, Rowland 112 and a Cambridge 640v2.)

I can give you a couple more ideas that may help you out. First, think of everything in context of a complete system. When you are listening to a pair of speakers, you are doing so as part of a whole system in a specific room. People forget that. You can't just listen to a speaker. System matching is everything. You'll do much better choosing a speaker if you think about what amp you will pair with it, preamp, CD player, etc.

Last, "The problem is I can't have everything I want in the sound I am looking for without spending more than I can afford.". Nonsense. Take your time, use good judgment, learn as much as you can and you'll be surprised at what you are able to put together. Look at my 2 systems. In my main system, I have a $2000 pair of Model 2's, and in my 2nd system I have a $10,000 pair of Wilsons. Why? Because the Model 2's sound better. (At least I think so.)
I agree that maggies aren't the most transparent speaker available. They do some things really well and have a cult following. That said, there is no way a pair of Vandersteen 2s could be considered more transparent. I can understand someone preferring the Vandys for one reason or another, but transparency? Nah.

For the OP. If you haven't spent some quality time with a planar loudspeaker you should before making up your mind. Most dealer demos of maggies have left me cold. So it would be best to listen to a well broken in pair at someone's home.

You may decide that is the sound for you. Or you may keep looking. I have owned 1.6s and 3.5s and loved them both. But I moved on for various reasons and have no remorse.

The Maggies have their strengths and the Esoteric's have theirs. Put another way....The Maggies have their weaknesses and the Esoterics have theirs. Impossible for me to tell what you would like best. I'd suggest auditioning both of them some more and see if one draws you in more. I do think everyone should own a planar for at least a part of their life.