Rockport Atria?

Has anyone had a chance to hear these speakers yet? If so what did you think, how was the bass? I have always overlooked Rockport because they were a little exclusive but these look very nice. Priced at $21,500 I believe.

(flash based website)
Ackmann00 I agree with you completely. Both the Rockport and Acoustic Zen speakers sounded amazing at CES 2013.

Did you also feel the bass was a little light (Atria)? Are the speakers tuned pretty flat? I have read the older models were a little ripe/warm but seems like these new models are higher resolution and more neutral.
I agree with Jwm. The Acoustic Zen Crescendo speaker room/system sounded better than many rooms using 30-50K priced speakers at CES 2013.Very impressive true musical sound.
I had the old Aerial Acoustics 7b which are long gone. Decided to go with the Atria in its place. I can't wait. They are phenomical speakers. I only heard the Avior since the Atria were not on the floor. Yes, The Avior are clearly better than the Salons. The Atria should be fine since my space is only 22 x 13 with 9 foot ceilings.
Yeung, please give us your thoughts on the Atria. My room is a similar size to yours and would like to know how they sound. Some have said they are "shy" in the bass but I don't know if this would be true for your room. It seems like they would be a perfect fit.