Parasound CD-1

I know this is a recent release but has anyone heard this yet?
It sounds like a poor mans (comparatively speaking: $14,000 vs. $4,500) Laufer Memory player. It reads until it's correct and not a pS sooner, playing from a memory buffer. It's Linux based Intel chip is devoted to music only. And its VCXO clock can go <1pS though it measures at <6pS. Femto clocks come in at 0.140pS so that's not too shabby for a CDP.

I've always wished for someone to combine the best of a CDP with a PC and maybe Parasound has pulled it off. Hopefully others will follow and prices should come down in a couple of years.

All the best,
Listened to parasound cd1 with vienna acoustics beethoven baby grand se. I got a glorious sound out of the combination. No digital glare. Deep soundstage. Great separation. Warmer fuller sound. A friend loaned me the parasound. I hated to give it back.
@ Nonoise, Hi, I like calvinj's question above for you, If you have listened to the parasound unit, what was your take on the sound, I have read some of your post on other threads, so I feel like your evaluation would mean something here to me, cheers.
@ Nonoise, Hi again, It seems that I forgot to ask you more questions, On another thread, you liked the marantz sound, How does the Parasound Halo cd-1 sound stack up to your exsperience with marantz?, cheers.