SACD remasters- any better than CD version?

I have recently changed from an Ayre CX-7 to the Oppo 105 in my system which is straight forward balanced stereo into an Ayre AX-7 with Proac's 2.5

I have a variety of SACD hybrids and indeed the new and very expensive SACD version of Floyd's Wish You Were Here.

That particular disc is imho not as pleasing sonically as the Gold Mastersound version from years ago...came in the long box...and it is not as good as the last remaster either-smoother yes but lacking in dynamics imho.

The new Mobile Fidelity version of Dylan's Blood On The Tracks is probably the best digital version of that album but the differences between the CD layer and SACD layer are marginal-just different not better.

And that's a theme I hear time and time again...SACD doesn't really seem to bring anything to the party other than a smoothness and I would say that actually sounds a tad dull in most cases.

Indeed I think most interesting on the Oppo through my system is that HDCD's seem to give the best sonic replay-deep sound
stages and loads of detail.

Is it fair to say SACD has not made any of the classic recordings of the rock era sound any better?

Or are there discs I am missing out on?
Already gave you some, Warren, but here are some more.

The Island Records Elton John SACDs released in 2003 range from quite good (Goodbye Yellow Brick Road) to excellent (Madman Across The Water). I also have the 2010 Japanese SHM-SACD of GYBR, and prefer the earlier Island release.

Clapton's Slowhand SACD from Polydor is very good. So is the Polydor 40th Anniversary SACD of Derek and the Dominos. as are Santana's Abraxas and Caravanserai from MoFi.

The SHM-SACD of Steely Dan's Aja is really good. The SHM-SACD of Who's Next is not, I much prefer the MoFi CD version.

The Stones 2011 DSD remasters released by Universal Japan I've heard are all very good.

thanks so much...I got the others, most appreciated. I have many of them, but you have some goodies here.

SACD really shines on those single-layer, SACD only discs from 1998-2001. The hybrid discs (CD/SACD) are hit-and-miss.

Happy Listening!
Jafant-one of my big regrets was selling off a number of SACD single layer discs however I do recall at the time several of those were contentious.....I used at that time a Sony DVD player and the Ayre killed it.

But as I recall KOB and IASW by Miles Davis both sounded really flat.....
I have just spent a fortune on the Aja version mentioned above....will update when it arrives