Modwright Oppo 105

I received my Modwright Oppo 105 today. It sounds good, but is relatively lean - and not very extended - in the bass. The sound overall is missing a fullness and organic quality that I associate with tubes as well. I have been using an Exemplar modified Denon 3910 for years, and so far I prefer it. Naturally, I am quite surprised and disappointed so far. I will be patient and put more hours on it, of course. I am very familiar with "break-in." Dan burned it in for 72 hours or more, but I have only put another 5 hours or so on it so far.

Has anyone else had this reaction/experience? Maybe it is the Electro-Harmonix tubes, and I need to try something else? I am also wondering about Dan's use of silver wiring. Thanks for any thoughts you have.

Interesting in that if the preamp MW is using when tweaking the 105 is on the warm side of neutral, it makes sense the 105 might come out a little lean. I'm not saying that's the "answer," but it could be.
I am beginning to think something is wired out-of-phase in my 105. Volume (output) is very low; bass is weak; center images are "diffuse"/difficult to locate.
This does not sound right at all. I'd be talking to Dan. This is not even close to the kind of performance you would expect. Sounds like far more that a little impatience with burn in. You might expect it to be a little sub optimal, but nothing like this.
i have a modwright modded 83 se, including the tube circuit (2 6sn7s) and the tube rectified outboard power supply,

the unit is very tube sensitive. i have tried several 6sn7 tubes from different manufactureres.

i find the rca brown base gives a very-full bodied presentation.

perhaps you may be using ge or sylvania tubes which are not as warm as say, rca, mullard or brimar.

if you think that there is a problem, as you have described, make sure you get a competent tech to evaluate it, or send it back to modwright.
Thank you. I will call Dan on Monday. I'm sure the out-of-phase issue is part of the problem, though. I reversed the connections on one speaker, and that corrected volume and soundstage/imaging. It helped the bass some too, but I still need more/deeper bass, and a warmer mid-range.

It's very helpful to hear about specific tubes, Mrtennis. I am using the Electro-Harmonix that came with the 105.

Does anyone else have tube suggestions? Or other ideas?