Looking to Upgrade my CDP

Currently using a jolida 100A with 1959 Amperex tubes. The sound is warm with a huge soundstage, but I’m looking to move up to the next level. I’m not interested in computer audio, just a dedicated CD player that will get the most out of my large classical Redbook collection.

I’ve auditioned a Naim CDP and I think it might sound too detailed in my system, so I like the idea of tubes such as a Raysonic or an Ayon. Budget is around $2500 to $3000 new or used.

I’ve learned from many of you on the forum how important the master clock is in preventing jitter, thus leading to a more natural presentation.
I’d like to hear your recommendations keeping in mind I’m looking for focused, open sonics and I hate to use the word, but close to “analogue” sound.

many thanks.
Ric Schultz at Tweakaudio.com did the Master Clock mods on my
Oppo 103.
I hate threads when members provide advice and then you never hear back from the OP. Well, thank you all for the recommendations...I found an ARC CD3 mkII here on the Gon. And I wouldn't have been searching for it if not for Rrog's advice.
Look no further than the Marantz SA-15S2B SACD/CD player designed by Ken Ishiwata. It is the limited edition KI-Pearl. The only difference is the transformer is not covered with a copper shield. Otherwise, if you look at the interior boards of the SA-15SB and the KI-Pearl, they are identical twins. The player weighs thirty pounds with their excellent transport and produces a very rich and smooth organic analog sound with outstanding imaging and dynamics. You will not find a player anywhere under $5K that can better its performance. It only costs $2K.
You may also consider one of the used Modwright players that can be found in your price range. I am currently using the Sony ES5400 modded player and it suits me just fine. The Oppo mods are also very good.