DACs With Killer Built-In Preamps

I see a lot of DACs with volume controls with the ability to act as a preamp. The Audio Research Reference Dac/Digital Media Bridge ($15k) has a volume control and a lot of innards of its Reference 5SE preamp...which makes for a very serious preamp section on that DAC.

Are there any DACs with voulume controls under $7k that can compete with top-tier preamps?
Are you replacing your Dude preamp with the Eximus DP1?If so let us know your impressions, sounds interesting.
Yes, I decided to go preampless for the first time in my audio life. I have tried all manner of passives and digital sources with volume control and always preferred the active tube preamp by a country mile. Never even close.

Well, the Eximus DP1 is my first experience where an active preamp was not needed. I still can't believe it, but it is true indeed. It must be a synergy thing with computer based audio done right with great tube amps.

I cannot even believe I am writing this to be honest. But the facts are the facts. No loss of weight, texture or tone straight from the dac into my tube amps. I give up some stage size and scale, but the music comes through with less "noise" and wonderful resolution and intimacy.

I am always open minded and settle for what sounds best to me. This is a great DAC and when implemented as part of a well executed computer based system - it floats my boat. Easily outperforms any CD based front end I have encountered.
This is a case of the body snatchers. Where is the real Grannyting and what have you done with him?
Be careful, I understand the Killer Dacs are claiming old
school dyed-in-the-wool audiophiles by the hundreds. Don't
get too close, or you could be next.
Out of a half dozen friends that went preampless , only one didn't go back after a while .