Oppo BDP-95 Weakest Link

Greetings, First time poster. I've been dragged back into this hobby and I am caught on the upgrade path. Currently my system consists of B&W 804S speakers, Bryston 7BST amps, Classe CP-700 amp w/phono stage, Technics SL-1200MK2 Turntable with a undetermined Grado cartridge.

As I said, I'm tweaking and while I believe speakers are the fastest path to sonic improvement but maybe not the most cost efficient method. While the Oppo gets many great reviews I wonder if it isn't based on it's ability to do both audio and video. I don't especially care about the video.

I am now in the market for a gently used SACD player (own over 100 SACD's) and I'm narrowing it down to the Ayre C-5, Cary 306, or Esoteric X03 or X05. I've only listened to the Ayre at my dealer and was quite impressed. I'm assuming any of these units would be a substantial step up from the Oppo? Your thoughts?

Thank you
All the players you listed cost many times the price of an Oppo. IMHO, I believe the money will be better spent elsewhere.
Speakers? Amps? Would like to hear opinions. Have/had quite a few dollars tied up in equipment that didn't do it for me. Didn't research properly. The Oppo is a fine multi-purpose player and I will keep it for movies but music listening is my priority.