The PSA PW DAC MK II and PW Transport will (using the I2S connection) meet your requirements and make you very happy. It is of course more $$ then the Oppo. But the Oppo plays BD, SACD, DVD- Audio and now DSD. However the PW MK II will also play HiRez PCM files besides CD. It is also upgradable when new features are added.
My recommendation is put all your CD on a hard drive (with backup) and play through the PW DAC MK II with Bridge and save the money vs the transport. As great as the PW Transport is it is possible to get great sound with the right server and the PW DAC MK II with Bridge.
My recommendation is put all your CD on a hard drive (with backup) and play through the PW DAC MK II with Bridge and save the money vs the transport. As great as the PW Transport is it is possible to get great sound with the right server and the PW DAC MK II with Bridge.