After market Motor + Belt drive for Verdier

I have been looking to upgrade my TT motor and belt drive for some time now. I use a Nouvelle Verdier and its only sore point is its motor and silk thread drive. It is not bad, it gets the job done. The sound is neat and in general non-offensive. However, when I used a 0.25 inch magnetic tape (reel to reel) to drive the platter the overall sound became more dynamic, voices sounded younger, instruments sounded happier. It was as if the pitch of all the instruments became more realistic. But then I also heard more of the irregularities of the motor rotation, the timing of instruments messed up a little. The background was no more as clean as the thread drive.

This told me two things:
1. Silk thread is good but it affects music in a way that makes the performance a bit sleepy.

2. The stock motor is not good enough to accommodate a tighter coupling with the platter.

So, I am now looking for after market motor and belt drive solution. I looked at Teres motor but for that to work they require a sensor to be placed under the platter but my TT doesnt have enough gap between the platter and plinth to place the sensor. I am looking for some viable suggestions here.

A friend of mine suggested me to consider a flywheel between the motor and the platter which will absorb the motor irregularities. I dont know if it is worth a try because I see many good TTs do not have a flywheel, that means a good motor is all I need I guess but I am open to the flywheel idea also.
Hi Pani

Thanks for clearing up the tape and capstan drive.

Agree that music on R2R master tapes is THE reference for many , I am lucky to have tapes and a couple of Studers.
As good as vinyl gets it isn't in the same league as R2R.
Had a Nakamichi 582Z, yes they were good but no match for R2R.
There is so much vinyl that we cannot get on tape therefore I/we keep tuning the Verdier.

I like what CT0517 said about cars and tuning.
Cars are build for a broad group of individuals.
Those that like cars buy better cars that have a higher potential to be tuned to an individuals taste and abilities.
Tuning the Verdier is like a high performance car.
Easy to tune and it will reveal whats in the music.

Re the power supply.
Wouldn't want to spend too much on a battery powered box, but my old ASR was battery powered and my darTZeel pre is also battery powered....... I see a pattern here.
Will explore a battery power supply and will post my thoughts. An AGM battery and a simple charger should do.

Back to the R2R.
R2R is relatively inexpensive to get started but the tapes can get costly.
Friend in Seattle invited me to a gathering that took place at his place.

Here is my post from 04 13 2009 on Mike Lavigne's system page re R2R

Take care and Viva le Verdier
Hi Ct0157, the Miyabi is a good match for the ARO. It is a proven combo actually. The ARO sounds good with Lyra and Dynavectors also. Koetsu, I dont know.

BTW, regarding the motor upgrade, Origin Live makes after market TT motors, possibly could be considered.

Where can I buy the Teflon washers from ?
Rugyboogie, thanks for your suggestions. I understand your view point and possibly I will do what it takes to make this guy sing the way I want. Some patience, some research and some funds are all that is required :)
Where can I buy the Teflon washers from ?
Any hardware store. When you have your motor lifted out (careful with the existing washers so they don’t fall out) take one of the washers to any hardware store.
Ask for Nylon washers. I can’t remember the exact size. The link is an example only.
nylon washer

I just remembered something – how are you leveling your motor ?
I bet some are levelling the motor wrong. When you replace the washers you will realize why.
The motor does not sit in its mount perfectly level.
Buy one of these or something similar.
bubble level
Place it on top of the pulley when leveling. You want the pulley level – NOT - the casing of the motor.
Hi Guys
I have two deep cycle marine batteries in storage over the winter doing nothing. If someone can point me to the proper voltage regulator to use, I will bring them out and attempt a DIY battery setup.