Linn LP12 vs. VPI Classic 1 and 3

As an owner of an LP12, I am considering an upgrade to a VPI Classic 1 or 3 or 4. I have heard a Classic 1, but not in my system. Have not heard the up scale Classic 3 or 4. So my question is- for those who have heard or own the Linn and have heard the VPI's, do they sound better than the regular Linn Lp12 with Valhalla ( my version),...can they and do they beat the Linn with Lingo, and do they compete with the uber Linn-LP12 Radikal/Keel? If so, which models of the VPI are the winners in these comparisons ( if that is the case at all).
The VPI is for sure a better Turntable than the Linn. The Linn is not all that great it is a POS. If you want to do something fun and offend the Scottish and the British take a fine piece of equipment such as an SME V tonearm and mount on a Linn Sondeck, and put on YouTube. The comments are great, this combination seems to offend our friends from across the pond. I guess that makes me bloody wanker and goofy Yankee! I should get back to my beer and put another piece of vinyl on my Sota Cosmos MK IV and place my SME tonearm with my Ortofon A90 on that vinyl and get back to business!
Daveyf, just try posting this very same query on a UK forum (pinkfishmedia for example) and watch how many people really care about VPI there. The point is, they are from two different school of sound, hence you cannot compare them directly. You need to know which school you belong to.
Thesoundhouse - thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to add your insights. Really.