Best High Efficiency Speakers for full bass tone

Any thoughts on a pair of high efficiency speakers to use with vintage tube amp/analog set up/ in a room that is 32' deep by 20' wide to get full bass tone?

Right now I have a pair of Klipsch Forte II that just don't deliver on the low end as well as they do in a smaller room.
Smaller room they sound fantastic.

What really works in these bigger rooms? Looking for something with better bass detail than a pair of extra subs rumbling 60 hz and under.
02-23-13: Buconero117
If you have some coroners available, K-Horns, by Klipsch. Properly set up you can get to down to 20 hz. Been there, done that.

Buc, WTH does a local gov't official have to do with K'horns? :)
Hartley 24" in Jensen imperial cabinet should do it! Actually, a 15" in the imperial would likely crack your foundation. Check the decware site.
Working on the same issue myself and I wish I had the space for these.
I had a pair of Belle La Scala's and while they were loud, they really lacked detail.
Yeah, in a room that size I would agree with most here that you will need horns. K-horns are great, or you could go with some Altec A7's, or one of the newer types like the Avantgardes, etc., though those will set you back quite a bit more. Properly set up, you should have plenty of bass with any of them.