new cartridge for Music Hall MMF 5

well, my daughter started walking about a month ago, which signaled that it was time to get the turntable up on a higher piece of furniture. sadly, I didn't get on that fast enough, and i've now a cartridge with no stylus.

so, i'm looking to get a new cartridge and wanted some suggestions. my setup is:
Music Hall MMF 5
Forte F40 with onboard phono card
Monarch SM-70
Totem Arro

I currently have a Benz Micro MC20E2 (without stylus!). I liked this cart.

I know the current entry level offerings from Benz are a bit higher. So even with retip/excange discount option on the Benz, I think might be wanting to spend a little less. I'd be comfortable spending around $200 or less. I'm open to a used cartridge, as I've had good luck with that in the past. I've mostly had higher output MC or MM cartridges in the past, though I'm open to lower output MC I think my Forte can handle lower output levels. I don't recall the full scope of the range it can do.

Some other options I could go down I also have an older model Grado , i think its a G+ or G1+ that's in need of a new stylus, which I think is the Gold Stylus. I've never been sure if its worth it to pop a new stylus on this so have always let it sit around. I also have a Clearaudio Aurum Beta wood body cartridge (whatever their entry model used to be) which also has a busted stylus. I could possibly use that for a retip/exchange discount maybe? Thoug with both the Clearaudio and my Benz, i think they don't make those models anymore so not even sure a retip discount is possible.

thanks for any tips and ideas!
thanks! on another thread someone had suggested the DV10x5. that looks a little pricey unless i can find a used one on good shape.

Anyone have any opinions on the cheaper model Clearaudio units these days? I think its called a Concept? I liked my Aurum Classic wood body that i used to have, but it looks like their new cheap model is aluminum only.
The cheap clearaudio unit is a glorified audio technica AT95E.
I used to own a MMF5. I thought the Nagaoka Mp200 was a good match for that tonearm. Ortofn OM20 which is a bit cheaper than than the 2m blue would be a good match too. Also consider the Audio Technica AT7V in that price range.
I was going to suggest the 2M Blue also. I'm not sure how it lines up in the cartridge calculator, but I have heard the Bronze on that table/arm and it was pretty nice. I am having a blast with the 2m Blk but I also have the Blue and it is 90% of the Blk. Just sound great, I don't have numbers to back it up but these carts are very nice and play well beyond their prices.
Well, the 2M blue is getting a lot of votes. looks like it can be had for $200, so fots the budget! what are the differences between this and the OM20, which is at the same price point?

Are the Nagoka MP200's still in production? I dont see them listed at needledoctor. I have always heard those are nice, but thought them to be more of a classical/jazz oriented needle.

any thoughts on how the Denon DL-103 or DL-110 would size up to the 2M Blue?

and I had also considered just getting a new Grado Gold stylus for my old G2+ cartridge. any thoughts on that in comparison to these options mentioned above?
I am a Shure fan...although I have used lower end Ortofon Om carts with good results...the classic Shure V series...which is unfortunately out of production but can be found used would be ideal...the current Mx97e is a very good product for <100 and for what its worth beat a "cart shootout" in a Brit mag which I believe included the Ortofon Red(which did well too) really cant go wrong...I also had good luck with Sumiko carts over the of luck....