VPI is a great company and i am sure there are many folks out there with a TNT, probably somewhat modified as well, as are older and newer models, all which have gotten good press and satisfied customers. but i have to agree somewhat that, with a good platter and bearing, and a good stand-alone motor(s) and/or flywheels, that the speed issue (oh, also the SDS was supposed to cure any deviations...?) is, in my mind, splitting hairs. lowering the noise floor further might still be an issue to pursue, as well as resonances. but the Aries-I with the JMW-10/12 arm went a long way towards playing records at an extremely high level, and i would imagine a TNT-6 with a super-platter would seal the deal for all but the fussiest people (going for a VPI product that is). i don't imagine belt-vs-direct is going to get "solved" one way or the other for a very long time.
all it takes is a warped record to ruin your day anyway.
all it takes is a warped record to ruin your day anyway.