04-01-13: Manitunc
Those of you who dislike reviewers, and therefore, I assume reviews, how do you find out about a product that you can't audition locally.
I wouldn't say that I dislike reviewers or reviews, they just mean nothing to me, whether professional or internet. I search the internet in general (google), and audio forums more specifically. I'll ask specific questions on discussion boards and within threads. Have you used Brand X with Brand Y and Z? Do you prefer a more transparent sound or a more musical sound? Do you like a more immediate presentation or a deeper 3-D soundstage? Obviously knowing something about an individual's experiences and tastes will either add or subtract from the information I receive. Generally though, I know that the folks I am chatting with do not stand to make any financial gain from my decisions, so that alone puts them above professional reviewers.
Then, I buy and try. If I like it, I keep it, if I don't I re-sell it and make a mental note of the recommenders musical tastes when compared with mine. If it is something I like, I keep it and begin to put some more weight behind that members input. If I don't like it, I don't simply write off that member, it could be a synergy issue, but I don't give their opinion the same weight next time.
This is how I slowly started pulling away from glossy rags. There were fewer and fewer individuals whose opinions I respected by listening to gear that they highly recommended which sounded bad to me. JA was one of the main offenders, I don't even think he can hear.