Simple & Cheap Way to Cut Turntable Vibrations

This OP is dedicated to Elizabeth, A'gon's paragon of audio economics and sensibility.

I accidentally discovered a way to substantially reduce bass and vibration feedback into my VPI Classic turntable. Oh, I have to thank my wife too. Last week my wife asked me to place padded furniture stickies under the feet of our bed to protect the hardwood floor.

I looked as these cheap gizmos and said to myself, I have a better idea. I place a padded sticky under each foot of my TT. I was amazed by how much it really reduced feedback. I even knocked on the el cheapo IKEA table on which I placed the TT -- no feedback. Trust me, the IKEA table is the worst place to put any audio equipment, especially a TT.

Try it folks and let the rest of us know what you think.
Why would a felt pad do anything? How thick?
Not that someone who uses Mandarin orange slices in water is in any position to criticize. But I do have a little fantasy that goes along with my idea.


"Buy 3 Bibles and place them below your turntable..." Is that the "hope and a prayer" method? :D
My pastor says two is ample unless you are playing Bach, then four are required.
Bifwynne.....Your post is not what I have found. Very light (Ikea) tables do wonders for turntables like the Linn....VPI's sound the best with a very solid platform... no play at all.
Stringreen, I think we agree. I heard a lot of feedback and vibration through the IKEA table. I used to have a heavy table, but my wife took it. The furniture pads help a bit.