Fremer's review of the Anna cartridge

Fremer reviews the $8499 cartridge very positively, but it takes three different samples of the cartridge for him to get there. The first sample exhibited "an incompatibility between the adhesives used and the elastomer of which the cartridge's damper is made." Fremer notes "[e]vidently, however, this problem didn't affect every Anna that left the factory." Wow, what a relief. In the second sample, apparently "some the glue that secures the stylus in the cantilever had dripped." The third sample, after 100 hrs of break-in finally delivered. Fremer suggests buying and using an USB microscope as part of the cartridge buying process.

Does anyone else think this is absolutely nuts? It seems to me, at this price level, every single cartridge should be absolutely perfect. Haven't Ortofon heard of quality control? This also applies to Lyra whose $9500 Atlas cartridge had the stylus affixed to the cantilever at an angle that made it virtually impossible to get the SRA of 92 degrees.
I agree with Syntax.

Regarding the Anna, it is very interesting that Ortofon did not address this in the Manufacturer's Comments in the same Stereophile issue. I wonder why.

I do wish more members owned it so we could hear from them about the quality and sonics. The $7-10K cartridge market is getting crowded so I think it would be interesting if we could read direct comparisons between say the Atlas, the Anna, the Dynavector, Koetsu, AirTight, MSL.
Downunder...I'm sorry if my enjoying expensive gear meltdowns apparently has upset you. Had I known there were those out there who's emotional investment in Beloved Audio Brands has rendered them so highly sensitive to my expressed enjoyment of review issues with elite gear, I might have been more gentle with my posts (although most likely not). D'Agostino and Ortophon should be proud to know they have little friends out there who will rise to defend brands that otherwise would suffer the cruel injustice of mirthful forum posting.
Since this thread is about, among other things, Ortofon QC, I thought I'd let everyone know that my rebuilt A90 arrived this morning. It looks absolutely brand-new--with a new serial number on the box and stamped into the motor/generator assembly. I examined it closely with a digital microscope before mounting it on a Tri-planar. They absolutely nailed it. Everything aligns perfectly; the workmanship is immaculate. And the sound? Already, it seems better than the original, if that's possible. I'm extremely pleased. Hats off to Ortofon!
Lewm, if you search D'Agostino in the amps section of audio you will see the thread and response from Dan. I can't add anymore context, however it was clear from Dan's response it had nothing to do with overheating or any other conspiracy theory. It was a component in the power on circuit.
Atkinson also responded in audio asylum critics where he did not run the 2nd sample for the normal time due to deadlines.

Anyway,never heard of any owner with reliability issues of the Momentum amps, including myself - and I run them hard.

Garcia, I really don't give a toss what you think, however at least be factual with your statements.
Downunder, I did not have the foggiest notion that you owned a Momentum amplifier. I in no way meant to insult the product. I know zero about them, but the chassis is indeed a thing of beauty. If you like it, that is all that counts. When I read the paragraph you quoted, it seemed that D'Agostino was saying, in effect, it was not "this thing" that went wrong, it was "that thing". A distinction without a difference. I actually have some empathy for a low volume manufacturer of an exotic high end piece, when such issues arise during review. For all we know, the problem could well have been related to abuse by the end user. HP was well known to blow things up due to his utter lack of technical knowledge and then blame the equipment.

Syntax, Great post.