In pursuit of my own Vinyl Setup (which is no where as being close to your VPI Scout II + Black Knight Platter + JMW Memorial 10.5 Arm...... Mines will be a restored Thorens TD-160 + Jelco SA-750D Arm), I am looking to top mine off with an Ortofon 2M Blue Cartridge (another subject matter entirely).
In the case of your Vinyl Setup, in pursuit of taming the brightness of your Speaker System, I would look at trying either an Ortofon 2M Black, or a Sumiko Blackbird. The Ortofon 2M Black is about $700.00, while the Sumiko Blackbird is a little over $1,000.00. I would also look at one of the Benz Wood Bodied Models as well.
Hopefully, one of these fine Cartridges would cure the brightness issue that you are currently having.
Good Luck In Your Search.