Rega RP3 Bias/Anti-Skate

Does anyone know if the anti-skate on the Rega RP3 can be adjusted "on the fly" while the record is playing. It is a magnetic system and is positioned in a way that it seems feasible.
I'm trying to fine tune my cart and may be going overboard but that's the hobby isn't it.

Thanks in advance.
Anti Skate on the REGA RP3 should be set to the same as tracking force.Yes you can play around with it while the record is spinning. Be careful ,make small adjusts.
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My experience is similar to Viridian's. With Rega style arms and others, I've obtained optimum sonics (to my ears) by setting A/S to one half or less of the scale on the arm. Many high end arms don't have a scale at all. They assume you'll adjust A/S by listening.

The VTF and A/S scales on Regas are notoriously inconsistent from one sample to the next. I'd recommend using a decent scale to get VTF in the ballpark for your cartridge, then adjust both parameters by listening (to music, not test tones).

My $.02.
My experience is also similar to Viridian's. I would not, however, try adjusting it on the fly, but that's just me. Viridian has much more technical expertise than I.