My experience is similar to Viridian's. With Rega style arms and others, I've obtained optimum sonics (to my ears) by setting A/S to one half or less of the scale on the arm. Many high end arms don't have a scale at all. They assume you'll adjust A/S by listening.
The VTF and A/S scales on Regas are notoriously inconsistent from one sample to the next. I'd recommend using a decent scale to get VTF in the ballpark for your cartridge, then adjust both parameters by listening (to music, not test tones).
My $.02.
The VTF and A/S scales on Regas are notoriously inconsistent from one sample to the next. I'd recommend using a decent scale to get VTF in the ballpark for your cartridge, then adjust both parameters by listening (to music, not test tones).
My $.02.