Desire upgrade but uncertain where to begin

I have a Project Debut 2 table with a Grado black or red, uncertain. This is currently connected to my Mrantz pm 7200 with internal phono stage. I have a parasound pph-100 that I can hook up but wanted some clarity before I continue. These are output to Cambridge Soundworks Kloss Tower II speakers. Wanted to optimize my analog front end and wanted help deciding if I should move my phono stage to the parasound, and/or get a new cartrige or table. I have entry level budget but just wanted some comments and opinions about best place to start to improve sound. Current set up has narrow sound stage yet warm and detailed. There is an adequate tight bottom end but the top is a bit subdued--cymbals need more detail at the top end. Any comments about alternate analog front end would be great.
the 17d3 is found on ebay for $895 new just about all the time, although not one right now. I dont know where you read a budget of $100, but probably a mistype.
I would like to suggest the soundsmith boheme for a cartridge within the $1000.00 price range. I owned one for a year or so and it paired with my VPI classic very well. The bass on that cartridge is well defined and tight. Definately worth a look
If $100 was not a typo, im not sure you will be upgrading your cart - might want to wait. maybe use $100 to tweak it (tt base, feet, mat..). If you meant $1000 - find a goldring Eroica used/new $500 - tight powerful base lots of detail - no harshness. I had one that worked well on a table like yours. i haven't heard the sounsmith carts as price44 suggests but i would bet they do what they say! also for $1000, you may be able to find both a great mc phono pre and mc cart.

don't miss the music,
Hello Mortificatio, I am unfamiliar with that table and arm but can you increase VTA on that arm to get higher frequencies out of the Grado? I did have a Music Hall that is basically a Project table and the Herbie's mat was good on it.

As far as a cartridge, the only one I know to be good at your price range is a NOS Acutex 412 or 312 on Italian Ebay. It takes about 10 days to get here. The seller has been reliable. I don't know how the Acutex would work with your arm.

Good luck!