Torn between two IC's... Please help...

I'm torn between Goertz Silver Sapphire and Morrow MA-4's... Currently I have Goertz copper mircopurls going from my Bifrost dac to my NAD 326bee... My plan is to move the copper microlpurls in the place of the pre-amp jumpers and buy a new set of ic's to go from the Bifrost to the NAD... I only need a 1/2 meter for the run... I wish I knew how the MA-4's compared to the Silver Sapphire Goertz... Any help would be greatly appreciated...

optional burn-in is the biggest waste of funds. trial or burn-in should only happen within purchaser system. if system doesn't sound good out of the box new while it was good before, than you can blame cables and less-likely 30 or 60 days will correct that.
my morrow cables [ic, spk, power and digital] all sounded good out of the box and then went thru gyrations that were pretty dramatic. almost unlisteneable for a few days. then they clicked one day and work well in my system.
Well I got my Morrow MA-4's 2 days ago and I do have to say that they sound diferent than my Goertz Micropurl's... Before I go ahead and evaluate them I'm gonna leave them on my system for at least 2 or 3 months... I don't want to rush my evaluation with them... I bought them used but it doesn't mean that they're broken in yet or used to playing with my genre of music...
Let us know your thoughts after you live with the MA-2s for a while. My current setup includes Morrow SP-2 speaker cables and a set of Audio Art IC-3 interconnects. I have to say, the system sounds real good to me, but I always wonder how a set of Morrow ICs will work with my Morrow speaker cables.