Torn between two IC's... Please help...

I'm torn between Goertz Silver Sapphire and Morrow MA-4's... Currently I have Goertz copper mircopurls going from my Bifrost dac to my NAD 326bee... My plan is to move the copper microlpurls in the place of the pre-amp jumpers and buy a new set of ic's to go from the Bifrost to the NAD... I only need a 1/2 meter for the run... I wish I knew how the MA-4's compared to the Silver Sapphire Goertz... Any help would be greatly appreciated...

If the morrows do pull through for me (and I hope they do) I will end up ordering a 9' pair of the Morrow SP-4's as well...
I feel your pain. I am currently auditioning a new piece of equipment (only 30 day trial) and all this critical listening can tend to take the fun out of listening after a while. I am now playing very familiar music and listening critically for a good hour or so, than I just leave the music playing for a few more hours while I just enjoy it while tacking on break-in time. I also have Morrow spkr. cable and IC pre to amp., and lack of bass or treble is not an issue at all. Good luck.
Nearly everyone I've known, including me, thought the Ic's better than the SC's.
Just saw your post/reaction..... I was not being critical, I meant it jokingly. The internet does not allow for emotion or voice tone. I know exactly were your coming from, I just wanted to reiterate that you need to let the process run its course. Since I own the cables I think I can put in my two cents. I'm sorry you read it as me being a p**ck.

I just noted that you have only been on here since Nov 2012. Lesson~ "don't jump to conclusions"

I have been at this for 45 years and I am not in the habit of posting just to get some ones nickers in a twist!

As always "YMMV" in your system with your ears and your listening habits.
