Anyone own Nordost TYR or ODIN?

I have a set of Nordost Blue Heaven and a set of Heimdall IC's that I'm selling on the bay and thinking of replacing them with either the TYR or maybe Odins.. both are 1M and sound about the same to me, so I'm wondering if the TYR would be enough of a move. All my power cords are Blue Heaven running from a dedicated line to a QB4 distribution box. Thanks in advance.
Xti16, I like the rack and have no problem with the TT. I just don't care for the shelves moving when plugging and unplugging IC's. Just have to remember to be careful.
Rhmmmm - Nice amp and speaker combo. I too have the V70SE w/black box and Dyn C1 Sig's (upgraded from the originals). Are you using the stock tubes or have you done some tube rolling? Did yours come with the EL34's - 6550's or KT88's? I've done a bit of tube rolling and it can make for some nice changes. The V70SE has a plate voltage of 540V so if you do swap out some tube be careful because some tubes even though have a max recommended plate voltage of 600V are really designed for a more common plate voltage of 450V.

Polk432 Yeah I forgot about how the shelves can slide around. They also had but discontinued some plain rubber feet. They don't slide at all - But the problem with those they don't support very much weight at all.

Anyhow back to cables - I found as your system gets better the cables will make more of a difference. If twice as expensive will be twice as good it won't happen. But I will say the Tyr2 was a great upgrade from the original Frey IC. It's very different from the original. Much better bass and more liquid sounding IMO.
Thanks guys. XTI, I bought my Octave used and it was originally shipped with the SED 6550s, which I have. It also came with the Gold Lion KT-88's. My findings between rolling the two are stereotypical of those on the broader internet, i.e. The Gold Lions are warmer.

Anyhow, i love the Tyrs. The cables brought an extra level of refinement over what i was using previously and I for see getting a good deal of mileage out of the set before I upgrade again. I am upgrading the DAC currently!
Yesterday compared a speaker cable Kubala Sosna Emotion Vs Nordost Tyr, both cables 2 mt in lenght. The Tyr sound much better in alla regards. The rest of System was cabled by Kubala Sosna Emotion xlr, Purist Audio Aqueos xlr and all power cords Shunyata Anaconda.