DIY cable solution--what are my best options?

I just purchased (dirt cheap) a 6-ft. Audioquest Kingcobra IC. Not a pair, but a single cable.

My turntable has its original, cheap molded cables which are starting to give out and require adjustment before each play.

My idea is to splice this AQ KC interconnect and use one side for each channel. The "free" end would be soldered to the turntable (probably to the clips used in the present and past scenario). Is there any reason not to do this?

I also would like to try a high quality IC in lieu of the metal jumpers which connect the pre-amp section to the power amp section of my integrated amp. Is it reasonable to take two short pieces of the kingcobra IC and attach RCA connectors to achieve this goal? I realize it would not provide the same connection as the AQ cold weld system, but I feel it would be superior to markertek or mogami cables of similar construction. Is this sound reasoning? If so, any suggestions for RCA connectors would be appreciated.

Finally, since I have twice as much cable as I need, why not make a pair of standard RCA audio cables out of the excess cables. With 8 connectors I could have my integrated amp, turntable and one other source connected with better wire than I've been using.

As you might have guessed, it's a mid-fi system:
Dynaudio Countour 3.1 mkII spkrs.
REL Q150E powered sub
NAD C 320BEE integ. amp
NAD 572/ Sony PS-1 SCH-1001 CDP's
Denon TU-800 tuner
Stanton 8004 Gyropoise TT (refuses to die) with 681EEE cart

This is my first foray beyond Markertek in the IC dept., so ignorance abounds. Any and all advice welcome. My thanks in advance.
There are plenty of folks that make their own cables,and plenty of DIY instructions on the internet.Doesn't hurt to give it a try.I've only made speaker cables so can't offer any specifics on ICs.
Go to Jeff Day's web page, Jeff's Pace; he shows you how to make some really good DIY speaker cables, "White Lightning" as well as interconnects based on Cardas phono wire with parts easily sourced from Parts Connection, and inexpensive too! Best of luck.