Shunyata for Arc REF5 SE

I understand audio research and shunyata cabling are a good match. I have a Ref5SE coming my way shortly and was wondering whether to get a z-tron cobra or a pick up as used phyton cx. I'd like to keep it in the sub $1K pricerange, so anything up the foodchain is out of the question. Anyone tried these two cables on an audio research preamp?
I have a 5SE and used both cables. You're right about the synergy. The ZiTron cable contains technology that reduces dielectric capacitance distortion while the older CX does not. The differences are audible. I'd get the Cobra.
Hi,quite a few cx are coming up for sale at a good price.Im guessing the zitron is very very good,-but a k more. ? Personally,I think you will enjoy your pre,with either one.Python would be the bees neez
I have owned everything in Shunyata line and I'd encourage you to go with an Anaconda or Python CX for the ARC. You should be able to get one within your price range. I have a Conrad Johnson CT5 and use a Python CX with it but have heard the ARC and know others who use the Anaconda with it to good effect.

I also own the Python and Anaconda Zitron cords. I skipped the Cobra Zitron cord because my system leans to the revealing side and the Cobra, while it's a lightening fast and transparent cord, I think it lacks the smoothness of the CX line or the upper level Zitrons when it comes to upper registers in many systems. Hope this helps and someone with a Ref5 will weigh in.
Vhiner, if I can get a good deal on a Phyton Zitron I would consider upping the budget (story of my life). Would this cord combine the smoothness of the CX with speed of the Zitron?

While on the subject, I am using phyton CX on my PS audio P5 conditioners. I am thinking of moving these to my monoblocks and get Zitrons for my P5s. What level cable would you recommend? Note that the king cobra CX sells for 50% off at music direct. How does the king cobra stack up against the Zitron Phyton?
I would probably lean toward the Python CX... ARC Ref pres have a hefty power supply, which I suspect may best be served by a PC of heavish gage... My concern is that Cobra Z-Tron might yield stage and images of slightly reduced size compared to Python CX. I invite Jtimothya to comment on my conjecture.

Regards, G.