Found the ground loop hum source, how to fix?

I have finally gotten around to locating the source of my annoying ground loop hum. I found that when I unplug the coaxial cable that feeds the cable box (actually uverse) the hum goes away.

So, with this knowledge, what is the best way to eliminate the hum in my system?

Or use the Viewsonics VSIS-EU ground loop isolator. It works just as well as the Jensen at less than half the price. You can find it on
Had a somewhat similar problem which occurred out of the blue. Hum coming from the antenna cable feed into my tuner. Changed the short screw on cable to a push on. It worked, tuner performance stayed the same.
Not sure where the last, extremely thorough response went regarding the NEC grousing but I checked things out today and noticed something very interesting....

I have AT&T uverse service that brings the tv and Internet signal through the phone lines then distributes the tv signals through the existing coax network in my home from time Warner cable.

The time warner box that takes the coax from the street and into the house had the groin wire cut and removed...strange... The box that the uverse uses however is grounded. This box takes a phone line in and a coax out so I wonder if it is all the same or if I should reconnect the cable box ground just to be safe?