Power Cord up to $100?

I have mono block amplifiers and was wondering if there's a power cord that's better than a stock cord for up to $100 each?
Dhcod, Hopefully you are already aware of this from other threads - getting the plugs lined up at either end of a Pangea 9 can be a bit like wrestling an Anaconda. But worth the effort and they do look good IMO.
Ghosthouse is right. I have some 2 meter Pangea AC9 power cords that I got at a good price that I'm using in tight spaces for my power conditioners. It was really like wrestling anacondas and in some cases I had to situate the cables so that they wouldn't partially slip out of the PS Audio Decora PowerPort plugs I have. I propped one up with parts of a 2x4. These cables are no joke.
For my money, this is the last area in which I would consider an upgrade. I've done it with little impact. I've got a nice system and great sound. Don't need the braggin' rights (if there are any) of overpriced cords. I'd keep the cost well under a 100. Interconnects is another story in terms of impact, but even there you hit a point of diminishing returns rather quickly.
Those inexpensive cords ( under a few hundred ) usually make little or no improvement . They may sound different but not better overall.
Yahoochaz-You have the wrong mindset. Most of us that have premium power cords don't buy for "braggin" rights(lol). Have you forgot what this hobby is all about? The power cord and cable debate has long been settled. But there are some that refuse to accept cables as another component. Power treatment, vibration control and room acoustics also get overlooked by the doubters. There is alot more to this hobby then buying a power amp with those pretty blue meters. If you refuse to accept this it's your loss.