Cardas Golden Cross no longer offered by Cardas ?

I just found out that the Golden Cross IC line , as well as many others are no lnger being made or offered by Cardas. I wonder why . I have a feeling that a lot of their newer cables were not selling that well and a lot of people were buying used , which does not help Cardas sell any .
Well, i currently have a pair of ICs for sale on ebay. Maybe i Should not have done that, as i would expect their value will go way up now .
Here is a link to the cables offered. At the bottom you will find the ones they no longer make , under the Legacy Heading
I think their 'Golden' series still have a big fan base and not too many people want to spend so much more for the 'Clear' series which are only marginally better! I actually like the slight coloured in the mid bass for its 'human' like character.
You do realize that Cardas is not the only cable manufacturer that comes out with new models to replace older models.....don't you?

I can't recall any cables from any manufacturer increasing in value after being discontinued. Go ahead and hang on to yours though, there is a first for everything. ;)