Interconnect Cables for Pre-and Power amp

Hi, I’m searching for a pair of interconnect cables connection my pre-amp (Ayre K-1xe) and power-amps (Pass Labs XA30.5) – both Solid State. FYI, the speakers are a pair of Harbeth C7-es3.

Preferably, I’d get the Balanced interconnect cables to get the full potentials of these amps. What would you recommend for mid-end/used cables (brands, models, etc)? What’s the typical lengths of the cables – 1.5m or 2m?

My choices of music are mostly vocals, jazz, pop songs, symphony, chamber and some blues and rock(no heavy metal or other modern music types). I look for cables that deliver extended highs, natural/full-body mid-range and dynamic bass with excellent imaging and soundstages.

Thank you for your recommendations.
There are some Acoustic Zen Silver Ref. IIs available that posess a lot of the characteristics you're looking for. Best of luck.
My main system consists of: Wadia 861SE, AQ Cheetah, Aesthetix Calypso, 2 pairs of AQ Columbia, 2 Ayre V5's (vertical), 2 runs of AQ CV-8, Vandersteen Model 2 Sig2 + 2 Vandersteen subs.

2nd system: Wadia 302, Tara The 2 IC, VAC 30/30 mk3, The 2 speaker cable, Wilson Cubs series 2/with matching stands.

I also have some vinyl gear and quite a few components that I don't always have in my system but I do use every once an a while. I've used AQ with everything I have and have always gotten very consistent results. If you guys like silver and get different results from me, thats fine. My opinion is no more valid than anyone elses. I'm not saying that anyone is wrong or not being truthful, either. I believe that everyone here is giving their honest opinion. Its to be expected that results will vary; espically when dealing with cables and very revealing components.
I have to agree with Charles. I commissioned an XLR to RCA IC from Joe Levy of Tempo Electric constructed of Pure Silver single wire for Pre to Amps. And the same for a pair of SC's. (un-terminated) Although, I had not tried any others in those positions, I feel no need to and am VERY pleased with the outcome.
Zd542,No arguement there,results will most certainly vary from one person and system to another.I`ve just discovered that the better my system has become over the years the better silver sounds.
Great, and I must say, civilized discussion here. I'm familiar with the pitfalls of lesser quality silver ICs as I own a couple pair. The Darwins that I recently got don't fall into that "lesser quality" category. Every once in a while someone gets it right. The Darwins do.

I've been a big fan of Mapleshade ribbon ICs until I bought a Marantz SA-15S2b SACD player. The Marantz brought with it boatloads of gravitas coupled with weight. Everything fleshed out but in the end, thickened too much like a porridge that lacked a little water and set too long to cool.

At first it was welcomed but soon it became apparent that from the lower mids to the bass detail lacked cohesion, approaching that "one note bass" effect. I tried an older set of silver ICs and the bloat disappeared but everything took a big step back and became too polite, too reticent.

I took a chance on the Darwin Silver ICs and all the weight returned, but with more detail and that see through quality. The thickening vanished but what remained was hearty and full, tuneful and expressive. Not all recordings benefited from these ICs due to poor mastering and/or recording techniques but what did sound great to begin with is now utterly beguiling.

The only downside to these Darwin Silver ICs is that now, I must go through my CD collection and weed out the poorer recordings and get what I can for them at some CD & Record store as there's no longer any need to try to save them. :-( The Mapleshade ICs imparted a tonal quality that saved poorer recordings but the Darwins are merciless as they seem to impart nothing untoward to the recording.

I've only accrued some 170 hrs or so on the Marantz and not more than 6 hrs on the Darwins so there's still some break in to go and I can see (hear) what an improvement it's made in my system. I'm seriously considering getting another pair for my OPPO before the price increase. In keeping with the tone of this thread, let me just say that this is my experience, my observations, my biases and yours may not mirror mine but there are some well made silver ICs out there that won't break the bank. I also realize that this doesn't exactly cover the question of IC between amp and pre amp but it might apply.

All the best,