What concerts have your kids dragged you to?

My son just turned 13 and is going to see his current favorite band " System of a Down "at a local arena that holds about 12k people.
Theres no way hes going without a parent so I get the honor of taking him as well as one of his freinds in two weeks.
He is already trying to get me to take him to a "Foo Fighters/Weezer" concert also.
So what bands have your kids talked you into going to see with them that you most likely would not have seen otherwise?
Recently took my 7 year old daughter to see Raven Symone. I can still hear the girls squealing! My daughter of course loved it.
I don't know, but I'm 35 and my sister who is 50 is dragging me to see Black Label Society. I like Zach Wylde, but I'm just not into the modern heavy metal which is just making a deep grunting sound over and over.
I took my daughter when she was 13 to see Rob Thomas and Matchbox 20 at the Chastain Ampitheatre here in Atlanta in the late 90's. I must admit, I enjoyed the show as well. Although, when everyone stood up and danced to the music..she promptly told me that it wasn't cool for me to be dancing !! :) Kids!
A good concert summer for my 12 and 14 year-olds. First was Stevie Winwood, how had a fine show, then Michael McDonald, who was as much of a class act as ever. They were away for summer camp otherwise they would have seen Collective Soul.
Stevie Winwood was their favorite - it was funny for me to see them enjoying his tunes from 30 year ago when I first saw him.
In 1995, I took my 12 yo son and a bunch of his 12 and 13 yo friends (male and female) to see Dave Matthews Band. I was stunned at how great they were. Extended jams and very tight musicianship. Unfortunately, in 2005, they are still playing the same songs, with shorter, less improvised jams for larger, louder crowds than ever.

On the flip side, I dragged my son to Grateful Dead concerts beginning when he was a couple of years old. I also forced him to take an LP playback system to college with him, but he is glad I did.