Django Reinhardt.

Can any one recommend a good cd as an introduction to
Django Reinhardt? I would like to explore his music further and would like an audiophile recording if possible.
Thanks, everyone. I kinda knew there would not be any great recordings, given the era, so I guess I meant the better ones. How I became interested, was, while listening to CBC Radio 2 a while back, the host was interviewing an author who had just completed a book on Django. The authors research and dedication was impressive, almost like a passion. What was shared over the radio in regards to Django was amazing (tid bits on his life, his personality, and pieces of his music). I honestly knew very, very little of him, and now know just a little more. From what I heard, how could a person not be intrigued? While I am not sure of the book's title, I do recall the author was a columnist for The New York Times, or the NYT had some relevant influence, so if anyone wants to read it (as do I) I don't believe it will be too hard to source. This mans life sounds amazing.
There is a web site devoted to this type of music

Didn't see any mention of Hot Club of San Francisco, they have several Audiophile recordings. I especially like the ones on Clarity Recordings

Happy listening
On a related note, the Woody Allen movie "Sweet and Lowdown" (starring Sean Penn) is an enjoyable look at the music of Django's era. The character of Django himself puts in a pivotal cameo.