Neil Young - Like a Hurricane

I've heard several times an acoustic version of this great song and I would like to know in which album I can find it in...any ideas ?

to compare neil young to an egregiously over-prescribed and abused prescription sedative in an attempted pithy "one-liner" is just sad. LISTEN to his music. you may not immediately recognize his depth, passion, insight, poetic expressiveness and virtuosity but you may catch a glimpse.

btw, my theory is that in "like a hurricane" he's singing about a girl with borderline personality disorder. the unplugged version is great imho.
Musicdoc- I hope you were able to catch another breath because I think you wasted the first one. Neil's been around long enough that, if someone doesn't have an appreciation by now, it's not likely to happen. "Pithy" one liner...I liked that.