Folk/Rock choices that are well recorded

Just wanting to hear from you smarties on your recommended best sounding, most fulfilling,folk/rock recording CD's. Simple as that.....thanks. Let's have fun. Dave.
Richard Thompson has a number of great sounding albums. From the rock perspective Shoot out the Lights is highly regarded. From the folk perspective (perhaps a bit of a stretch) I think Rumor and Sigh is his best album.
a great website where you can get info on artists & hear a constant stream of assorted folk oriented music is


Tom Russell, the man from god knows where (recommended)
A well recorded and excellent album would be Hank Dogs 'Bareback'. Acoustic guitar and twin female vocals in the Fairport style.
Second would be the Cowboy's Junkies 'Trinity Sessions' - alot of audiophiles rave about this recording quality, music is PFG too.
I've been impressed with what I've heard on Red House Records. Check out anything by Hart-Rouge or Guy Davis.
CSN - the remastered versions of CSN & Deja Vu
Neil Young - Harvest, Harvest Moon, After the Gold Rush, Prairie Wind
Bob Dylan - Blonde on Blonde, either the Hybrid SACD or the remastered version
Cat Stevens - Remastered versions of Tea for the Tillerman and Mona Bone Jakon