Outstanding Drum Performances

Looking for some redbook CD's that feature some dynamic drum riffs...looking to stay in the rock genre but it there is a killer recording out there that is outside of the Rock arena please let me know.

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96
The Sheffield Drum Record by Sheffield Labs would get my vote as the ultimate reference recording for drums. One cut from it, a 7-minute drum riff by Jim Keltner called "Improvisation," is included in the Usher demonstration CD used and given out by Usher Audio at CES and Rocky Mountain AudioFest. It is sensational--far and away the best drum recording I've ever heard. When I play it for people, their jaws usually drop, and when I played it for my nephew, who is a drummer (as well as a budding audiophile), his response was: "How does he DO that?"
Thanks for all of the input so far....I'll print this out and head to Borders & Best Buy later this afternoon to see how many of these I can come up with for the weekend. The Sheffield Drub Record sounds particularly interesting...hope I can find it. Thanks again to all!
Mattkimb96, Doubt that you'll have much luck looking for the Sheffield Drum Record at your local Borders or Best Buy. But you can find it and buy it online at Amazon.com, from Amazon.com marketplace sellers, and you can also read a couple of reviews of it there. Happy listening.