Rush fans on the board ??

Hey, are there any Rush fans here, if so what is your favorite album.
Back when I WAS a RUSH fan... it's been about 25 years... I don't now what it was exactly, they seemed so sophmoric and too humanistic for me. But I have to agree with the consenus on Farewell to Kings. I saw them on tour for that album, fall of 1977. Blew me away... but easily impressed at age 16. Unfortunately there were no good pressings of that recording.. it sounded distorted, noisy, rough. Maybe a Canadian import would have sounded better?
Also always liked "Trees" from Hemispheres.
Whomever has the biggest, baddest system on the 'Gon needs to invite us Rush fans over and blast 'YYZ' from Moving Pictures :-)
sutts played it on Monday you should have been here. Moving pictures is their best I like signals alot also.
Did everyone forget "Caress of Steel"? That's #1, "2112" after that, and then "Fly By Night".

-RW- La Guillotine will claim her bloody prize...