CD player vibration control ..................

What are you using for isolation/vibration control for your CD player.Cones ? Bearing based feet ? Isolation platforms ?
Thanks for your input.
Bright Star Audio Reference Air Mass 3 on a PolyCrystal High Density shelf in a 2 shelf PolyCrystal stand.

All bs, of course.

Rigid objects do not provide any vibration isolation or damping. They merely change the natural frequency of the system they are used in and it could still fall within the audio band (usually does). Look at some *real* isolators online, they usually employ springs or elastomers.
I've been an isolation freak for about 15 years. Started with solid oak planking and then maple cutting boards before Peter Bizlewicz got one of his early proto's into my system. Since then, I've had the chance to listen to most of the usual suspects in my system. I remain an ardent employer of Symposium - I have Ultras under my components and my speakers; Roller Blocks under my AA and my BAT amp. Now I'm waiting for Symposium to bring their new Series 3 to market. This will be akin to another component upgrade but I have heard the prototypes under Wavac and Jadis amplifiers - not to mention an Audiomodded 777, and the results are extraordinary. These are expensive products and, unfortunately, there are few US dealers - most of whom neither know the products, much less how to effectively demo them - so your best best is to travel to RMAF or CES to hear for yourself.

All of my cdps - Meridian 506.24, 508.24 and 588, and my AA Cap Mk II - have greatly benefited from isolation and damping.