The Most Beautiful Song of The RnR era?

I'm about to spend a week with my father in law, who loves music but insists that nothing of interest (that is, beautiful) has been produced since WWII. In order to get a little music in, I thought I'd burn a compilation cd that might not offend his sensibilities too deeply. "God Only Knows", "Hello, It's Me", "Truly, Madly, Deeply", "Something", and "Bee's Wing" are in. Many others are under conssideration. Your additional suggestions would be appreciated.
You may not have heard these but they are as beautiful as anything ever written in the RnR era-
Grant Lee Buffalo - Honey Don't Think
Jeff Buckley - Lover You Should Have Come Over
Over The Rhine - Latter Days, Snow Angels, or practically everything they've done
Cousteau - She's Not Coming Back
Adam Again - River On Fire
Now that I think about it almost everything everyone has mentioned is pretty amazing. Great thing about music it is powerful in so many forms.
I could nominate a bunch of Todd Rundgren tunes as most beautiful but I've narrowed it down to two: Bag Lady from the Hermit of Mink Hollow album and Compassion from the Healing album. Beuatiful, haunting melodies and touching lyrics.

I agree with your general sentiment which is why "Hello, It's Me" was the second song I listed in the original post. The guy is just a machine - cranking out amazing songs year after year. Some of his lyrics push it a bit, but the melodies and - especially - harmonies usually stop me in my tracks.
