What song best sums up the previous year?

Is there a song that stands out to you that for any reason sums up the year 2005?
I thought so. Another arm chair political expert. You never had or have the guts to serve. Squawk squawk squawk huh? I can hear the chicken clucking from here.
You never had or have the guts to serve.
You are making no sense, Charlie. Read my comments again. What do they have to do with me serving/not serving in the military?
Didn't he serve in the National Guard? Where was your service, Girl Scouts or Brownies? Or couldn't you make the grade there?
Charlie 101- Just because someone "did'nt serve" it doesn't mean they don't love their country or that they are cowards. People are entitled to their opinions- even those different than yours.

By the way- I didn't serve either. Never wanted to sign up. By your criteria for patriotism and bravery, I'm a coward as well. Never mind the fact that my Dad was killed in the line of duty in the US Navy in '64, and I'm a political conservative.

Come on, let's calm down a bit buddy. Insulting longtime members on this forum isn't going to gain you any new friends :)
If freedom of speech is so offensive to you... rather than attacking someone for having a different opinion, move to North Korea where no one is allowed to have an opinion that opposes the government. That will be much more to your liking.