What song best sums up the previous year?

Is there a song that stands out to you that for any reason sums up the year 2005?
If freedom of speech is so offensive to you... rather than attacking someone for having a different opinion, move to North Korea where no one is allowed to have an opinion that opposes the government. That will be much more to your liking.
Charlie101: 11 posts, 11 insults. Surely, you have more to offer this community, don't you?

Dan, thank you for the support. I sure hope we get the chance to meet someday. That would be a real treat for me.
"First we kill all the Jews, then we come and kill you!" - Omar, student at Western Mich. Univ. when asked why he was going back to the Mideast during mid-session - 1972

"He has gone back home to kill Jews." - Answer from Nabil when asked where his brother was who hadn't been to our kickboxing club for a couple of weeks - 1983

"Saddam is on the march! Mike has gone back home to help drive Israel into the sea!" - Abdu at the video store when asked where his brother was who usually works the counter - 1990

"Mr. Hitler, you are doing some very good things here. But you must become more efficient and forceful in your dealings with the Jews." - High ranking Palestinian imam while visiting Germany during WWII.

Anyone see a pattern here? And you think us Americans have bad attitudes!!
Will you clarify the point you are making? I believe I get what you're saying, but don't want to assume that I do.
I think I'm trying to say that we are up against an intractible enemy and also remind what Churchill said decades ago. Anyone who is not a liberal when young doesn't have a heart. But anyone who has not become conservative once fully grown up doesn't have a brain. It's taken me a long time to realize that we are not the problem - we are the solution. The world needs more Thomas Jeffersons, not Michael Moores or Noam Chomskys.

All the silly songs from this past year (Green Day, Steve Earle, etc.) don't make a valid point about anything and offer no solutions or insight whatsoever. Just the same old stale thought package that they think makes themselves sound cool. And that's the real shame - we've devolved to a point where being "cool" is the main desire and drive of our culture.