Joni Mitchell Blue - Wow help me Agoners

I just got this CD and I love the honesty and emotion of it. Her voice is wonderful. I have some of her newer ones, but her voice and her raw emotion are so much better on Blue.

The recording is a little thin and wonder if there is a better version out there? Where do I get it? Last, can you Joni fans tell me which other albums are like Blue. I want to buy more of her stuff, but want the emotion, voice and style of Blue.

I know I should be more familiar with Blue as I am 44, but I just played it for the first time today. Now this is art!
Blue is a classic for sure, and I'd agree, find the LP if you have a rig. I made a comment similar to yours about the CD in another thread and had several folks jump down my throat saying that the CD was an outstanding one on their players. I think there was a 20-bit version of it at some point. And yes, Joni Mitchell is truly an artist...wonderful stuff...I've been a big fan for a long time. Blue would have to be my favorite of her early stuff. A close second would be Court and Spark. I think I wore those two LP's right through! Her recent stuff is quite different, and I haven't been as hooked by any of them. There is a great live double album too that is a must if you like her stuff...Shadows and Light.

All the suggestions above are great, but you should also check out her live album, "Miles of Ailses". Good song selection for the period and a great band to boot.
I remember my Mom told me she went to a garage sale around 15 years ago and bought some records for me. Well my Mom is always buying stuff that I don't want anyway as she says it's the stuff you like. I said ok went over and there was Blue and the first Neil Young album Original Pressings in Mint + and my mouth started watering. Bless her heart,and this LP has been a reference recording,and Record to die for in both Stereophile and Absolute Sound for as long as I can remember. It's because of the vocals. Love you Mom.
i've blue, court&spark, miles of aisles, and ladies of the canyon. blue is easily the best.

try treating the CD with vivid. improved the thinness of the CD quite a bit.
Of all the artists in my record collection Joni is at the top of the list and "Blue" is my favorite. I understand we were THIS close to a DCC version on LP before they folded--the release was literally weeks away. I cried when I found out it wasn't to be. So what choices do you have? The LP version is best if you have a record deck. After that, make sure your CD version is HDCD which will tell you it is the most recent release remastered by Joe Gastwirt at Ocean View Digital. The sound is not bad and certainly better than the original releases. By every Gastwirt mastered CD up to 1985's "Dog Eat Dog", pull the cork on a bottle of red and sink into a morass of blissful depression.