Which Patricia Barber album floats yer boat?

As far as my knowledge is concerned and from all the reading that I do, “Blood on the tracks” by Bob Dylan is considered to be his best album by far. For Joni Mitchell it is “Blue”. What really amazes me is that there is no general consensus on which album of Patricia Barber is the best. Some prefer “Modern Cool”, some “Companion”, some think “Nightclub” is her best album! I think it is “Café Blue” Why? Cause the two tracks numbered 9 (Too Rich for my blood), and 11 (Nardis) strike a chord in me like no other songs of her. They have the energy which seem to ooze out from the system in spades.

Which album of Patricia Barber floats yer boat and why?
My favorite category of music is female jazz vocalists and
I enjoy Patricia Barber. Her voice is unique and she has
a terrific band. I only have 2 of her albums, Modern Cool
and my favorite because it's live, A Fortnight in France.
I'll be buying more, paricularly Split based on the posts.

It's a coin toss between Modern Cool and Companion. Her recordings are wonderful. I find that I can't listen to her for as long as say: Ella, Eva, Billy, Anita and the like. Her voice begins to rub me, plus she gets a tad over dramatic or overkill in the vocal. She plays a not too bad piano, certainly better than Krall. But who doesn't play better than Krall? I have all her cds, but quite a few dogs.

Modern Cool live? Man it has been awhile, I thought Companion was her live album.
I took all the songs I like (a lot) off of the four cd's I own and put them on my hard drive...that way I skip the strange stuff that I can't seem to get into.

I did the same thing with the Doors, now they had some strange songs...I love um though!

I find Barber boring actually. I feel Barber records are for ''audiophiles and gear lovers'' mainly as the sonics are usually pretty good, and show a wide range of what audiophile tricks can be performed with most audio gear.

I for one, find her quite boring on a musical, vocal, and emotional level. Come tho think of it, Diana Krall and SNorah Jones have the same dulling effect on me. And it's not that I do not like female vocals, I do, and I enjoy a wide variety. It's like classical music, everyone starts with the Pachelbel Canon as their first taste, and the accompanying sense that ''hey, I'm an expert now! '' but when you REALLY start scratching beyond the surface, there is a World of talent out there, and you are reminded that the most famous are not necessarily the best. It's all a matter of taste of course....I wanted to respond as I for one am getting a bit tired of all the Barber discussions that come up everywhere, on the Web and in printed mags, everytime audiophilia is discussed.
You are certainly entitled to your opinion. Music appreciation is obviously a very personal phenomenon.

Personally I do not find Barber or Krall boring. I find them true artists. Jones, however, is starting to seem like a one-act performer to me although I still enjoy her work somewhat. And yes, thank goodness, there are many other wonderful female performers to tantalize our senses.

Given all of the attention each of subject artists are receiving it will be interesting to follow them and see if they fall prey to the "commercial big-buck music business art killers" (dumb phrase, I know). Or, will they remain artists. Or, will they survive the commercial music-biz pressures and stay true to their art but still burn out talent wise. I really hope they all succeed and continue making real art available for our listening pleasure.

It's a hard, hard business.

We can all name some of the true artists who have survived the BIG music business. Both Van Morrison and Joni Mitchell come to mind for me as I write this. I find performers like Morrison and Mitchell not only artists but heros.

My wife and particularly I listen to a lot of music every day. I have been in the music business (admittedly some time ago)and I worked 16 years in Manhattan advertising businesses, spending mucho time in recording studios with artists. I have approx 5000 lps/cd/tapes in my collection including many wonderful female artists. (Yea for me ... the point is I am speaking my opinion from what may be a decent reference point.)

Still, it all comes down to personal taste.