The West Coast is currently blowing out other area

They say that the downturn of the computer industry has hurt things. I say that same downturn is producing the best that audio has seen for awhile. I site Nuforce, Oritek Audio, and Aplhifi as proof.
Are ex-computer engineers turning their expertise towards high end audio reproduction? Remember, you heard it hear first, off the record, on the QT, and very hush-hush...
The east coast (VPI) took advantage by sourcing tighter tolerance bearings from former defense contractors when Clinton cut spending.

Also, the guys at dcs (England) are all rocket scientists specializing in satellite communications.
We'll call England the waaaaay east coast...
I don't see how this relates to music, and also mmakshak, I'm glad you like Oritek cables and Nuforce amps, but honestly bro...whats the deal with promoting them in every thread your attached too? I don't understand it.