Which Vivaldi Four Seasons CD to buy???

OK - I'm a total beginner when it comes to classical music. I'm only recently getting into it because it helps me get through my law school readings and retain the information. The music I normally listen to doesn't really do that.

Anyway, I figure Vivaldi's Four Seasons is a good place to start. (I think that my taste leans towards the Baroque era because I also like Albinoni Adagio). My problem is which Four Seasons CD is the best one in terms of the musician and audiophile quality? There seem to be so many out there... (I think that my father has one by Telarc?)

You're going to have to decide whether you want it performed on modern or period instruments, and played in a modern or period style; makes quite a difference.

I don't see how anybody can listen to glorious music (played on glorious equipment) and read (and retain) at the same time! Anyway, isn't that mixing genres? ;-)

Good luck,
Steve O.
Buy something recent from an established label. Your young ears will enjoy the recording quality. I've never heard a recording of the piece that wasn't enjoyable-the notes don't change. Decca, Philips, DG, Telarc nice sound among others.
i own Christopher Hogwood (Academy of Ancient Music), Neville Mariner (1970)...24/96 remastered! and Fabio Biondi. All excellent. Hogwood great if you like reedy, original instrument sound (i do), and Mariner is a classic and wonderful intepretation. interested in hearing Joshua Bell Four Seasons which is supposedly amazing.
I have a few different recordings and really like Fabio Biondi on the Opus 111 label, distributed by Naxos. Excellent sound quality to boot.