How Can I Use MY IPOD For a Music Source?

I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the best avenue is for putting together a high-end system (speakers, amp, etc...) but running my music data off an IPOD? Is there a converter to take the info from the IPOD to the amp? I tried using a monster RCA connector from my IPOD into my Classe' CP-45 preamp and it was limited on the output. I've recently sold all of my equipment and looking to put a new system together and would like to use my IPOD as the main data base for my music. Thanks for any suggestions you might have.
Go to Ken sells some very good cables for the ipod in different flavors.

You might also go to Headfi, and put up a post, the guys there have a lot of really good info
I use my IPOD thru a dock plugged into the line out. Sound was pretty good until recently I purchased some upgraded cables, here on audiogone, and it really made a difference. I did an A/B comparison of "Jazz At The Pawnshop" with a CD and played thru my IPOD (lossless format) and the SQ was really close. The IPOD is great for causal listening and parties and the sound is more than acceptable. My Opinion....
agree on audiolineout....I use the jena one for connecting a portable headphone amp when traveling, and the difference it has made is significant
I just got the Sonus wireless system. PC to wireless....and using TosLink to my hi end DAC (DCC2). Far, far, far better than using an IPOD as a source, and I also have used the Audioline Out Jena cable (which is great for using w/ portable amps/IPOD on the go). Its not even close. Resolution, smooth everything. The difference is startling and I guess it should be given the DAC in the IPOD would be no match for the DCC2. If you already have a good DAC or CD player with a TOS link input, I strongly recommend it.
Friends have asked about an iPod-based system for a different part of the
house. What I was thinking about for them is a pair of the wonderful NHT
M-00's, which are powered speakers, and some kind of easy dock for them to
place their iPods in. Would something like>this from
Keystone work for this application? The remote would actually be a very good
feature for them.