Gene Pitney RIP

We lost a great singer from the 60's with the death of Gene Pitney Wednesday in Cardiff, Wales. He was 65. He had a unique voice, and no covers of his songs ever came close to Gene's version. In homage to him let's list our favorite Pitney memories/songs. I'll get it started with one of his lessor known songs "Half Heaven, Half Heartache". What memories/songs will you associate with him?
Town Without Pity and It Hurts To Be In Love. Brings back memories of Top 40 Hits on CKLW out of Windsor Ontario, one great station back in the day.
True Love Never Runs Smooth, my fav, also I'm Gonna Be Strong, Last Chance To Turn Around, Looking Through the Eyes OF Love, Backstage[I'm Lonely] and Only Love Can Break a Heart....A style all his own....some of these songs just don't "sound" right sung by someone else...IMO...there are still other singles and songs he wrote for others...quite the talent...