Bettye LaVette-"I got my own hell to raise"

Anyone heard this record? I heard Bettye LaVette yesterday on "World Cafe" and I was shocked! I didn't know anyone sang real Soul Music anymore. If you haven't heard of her and you like real soulful music, you owe it to yourself to check it out.


Shameka Copeland is another singer to check out. She has the pipes, which a lot of singers have, but more importantly she has the soul, which so many singers don't have. Great stuff--check her out.
I agree. BUT, the title song itself is a Fiona Apple song called "Sleep to Dream" (I'm sure she'd be pleased to know she writes SOUL music) from her first album. IMHO, the original is both more musically satisfying and at least as good a recording.
Love it, good stuff, you might also try Candi Staton's new release "In his hands" She's been gospel for a while, but this one is Southern Soul. Another good southern soul singer is Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings, they have two releases out, both worth listening to.

I think I got the Vinyl at Acousticsounds (aka Analoge Productions).
