cello music

I listen to mostly rock and Jazz...but I downloaded a song by Yo Yo Ma on Itunes just to check it out. I loved it. Can someone please recommend some vinyl or cd from this artist or other good cello recordings

THe sountrack to Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon features Yo-Yo Ma and is excellent. One of my favorite CDs and it's recorded very well to boot...
I also like the Starker Cello Suites. Another good recording of the same music is by Paul Tortelier (EMI Classics).

One of my favorite CDs is Les Voix Humaines played by Jordi Savall (AliaVox). He uses two different instruments (Viole de gambe) built in 1550 and 1697.

Most of Yo-Yo Ma's works are very good. Check out his version of The Protecting Veil by Tavener. His Silk Road Journeys When Strangers Meet is interesting with an influence from China and central Asia.

Something you might also consider is Apocalyptica plays Metallica by four Cellos. I'd listen to this first as it is not for everyone.

Try the Beethoven Complete Music for Piano and Cello, Schiff and Perenyi, ECM 1819/20 Wonderful music, recordings, and performances! I like these even better than the Ma/Ax recordings.

Also check out Alban Gerhardt's website. You will be able to hear short excerpts from a variety of works. Gerhardt is in my opinion a phenomenal talent whom I hope will be recorded more frequently. I eagerly await his new recording of various Shostakovich & Schnittke works which releases tomorrow.

Also, Jsujo is on target in drawing your attention to the Viola Da Gamba. It is a wonderful instrument, which was used frequently in Baroque and pre-baroque music. This instrument was used to wonderful effect by Heinrich Schutz in his choral music for those that appreciate such music.