Favorite Non-Major Record Label

What's your favorite record label when you want to get away from what the majors want to sell you?
Not a record label but a distribution Seller of Indie Artist....www.cdbaby.com is where I hang most of the time.

I have a few... I guess the one I listen to most happens to be Pierre Verany, a small French oufit with a pretty good catalogue of mostly classical music. Hyperion would be close, though.
Red House Records is my favorite. Get a copy of "A Nod to Bob." It's a fantastic tribute to Mr. Dylan and a nice introduction to Red House artists.
Bloodshot Records is another good one.
As Lngbruno said, cdbaby.com is a great place to find new music.
Alia Vox - I'm partial to the performances of Jordi Savall and his wife anyway, but it happens to be his label and the recordings are top notch.

Rounder for blues - has some fantastic contemporary artists.

Sub Pop - Though it's really becoming what many may call a "Major Label" they seem to always be coming up with innovative talent.

Stiff...well, I just always liked their logo: "If it ain't Stiff, it ain't worth a fuck!"
