A Reference Recording....

For those of you who love the sound of the female voice(s) and/or have a passions for bluegrass/folk/Celtic styles...run, do not walk, to either Amazon or to mistyriverband.com and order Misty River's 'Rising'. Great music, awesome sound quality...what more can one ask? This is what this mad hobby always should be about - and so seldom is.

Misty River has produced 3 other albums. All musically outstanding but none have quite the 'band-is-in-the-room' quality (and I mean that quite literally - the illusion is very close to pefect). They are all still sonically way above average, however, and definitely worth owning.
OK you got me. I just ordered "Rising" and "Live at the Backstage Gate" from cdbaby.com for $27. One of my favorite things about cdbaby is I can pay with paypal.
I've rarely been steered wrong with music recommendations here.

As long as you liked the music itself, you won't be steered wrong. I can guarantee you'll be happy with the engineering side of things. Enjoy!

I too have recommended this group in the past. They performed live at CES 2005, attracted my attention, and caused me to purchase their CDs. They combine Folk, Country, and Bluegrass in a most unusual way, and while they might not be everyone's taste, there are a few cuts that are worth owning.

The "Live at the Backgate Stage" has phenominal presense and the vocal clarity, harmony, instrumental accuracy, and sound staging is way above average. Cut 11 is accapella and the 4 voices nit together beautifully with great focus and separation. Cut 12 is instrumental and captures the attacks and harmonics again with great focus and separation.

These 2 cuts alone would be sufficient as reference recordings to reveal a great deal about a system.
Me Toooooo!
I love Northwest artists, got to support the home region, my wife loves good christmas music so I got Rising and the Christmas album. Vito gonna break-a-youse legs iften dees records no good :)
Along the same lines Anonamous Fours' Welcome Yule is a winner if you like celtic christmas music. First I ever heard of CD Baby, nice site.
As a female vocal, bluegrass, and folk head myself, my quest for reference sounding recordings becomes even more difficult as I prefer live stuff to studio cuts. My small smathering of suggestions are the following:
A 5 year old band from No.NJ named Railroad Earth just put out a killer live disc called Elko, great sound quality for a live disc. Any of the 3 Garcia/Grisman discs(Pizza Tapes, Been All Around this World, and Garcia Grisman Rice) from Acoustic Disc are of exceptional quality, the put you right in the living room with these guys, and most of the Natalie Merchant stuff is usually great also.